Expansion Joint Covers
Interior, Exterior,
Fire Barrier and Parking Expansion Joint Covers
Divisions 5 & 7
Presented by Lee Seaman
Expansion joint openings or gaps
are designed into your building to allow for movement. The
size of the opening is determined based on the movement
requirements. Once the gap is calculated the design challenge
is to incorporate a cover plate system that will conceal the opening
while still allowing for the proper movement. There are
aluminum cover plates as well as gasket style flush systems
available for interior wall, floor and ceiling conditions.
Exterior expansion joint systems
must handle the movement but also must prevent water from
penetrating into the building. These systems include both
exterior vertical and roof cover systems and can be fabricated with
factory miters to ensure a smooth transition from the roof cover to
the exterior vertical.
Parking garages and plaza decks
create a unique challenge in that joint system must provide a
watertight seal while accommodating the increased loading and impact
conditions of vehicular traffic. There is a new Zip Block
model, which is a one piece EPDM style system. There are also
various gasket systems and heavy duty aluminum cover plate models to
meet the specific project conditions.