Revegetation, Erosion Control, Soil Amendments
& Organic Materials


Hydraulically Applied Products






Featuring Mat-Fiber® and Mat-Blend® Hydraulic Mulches

Basic Distinctions Between Mulches:

There are three basic types of hydraulic planting mulch available today: 100% wood fiber mulch, 100% cellulose mulch and a blend of the two, such as 50% wood fiber and 50% cellulose. Wood fiber, like Mat-Fiber®, is manufactured by refining whole wood chips. Cellulose mulches, commonly referred to as "wood cellulose" or "paper mulch", are manufactured from scrap materials such as cardboard, sawdust, newspaper, or residue from pulp or paper factories. Mat-Blend® has equal parts of whole wood fiber and clean, recycled newsprint.

Mulches made from mechanically defibrated whole wood  chips have longer fibers because the manufacturing process is engineered to maximize fiber length. When applied, the long fibers interlock and cling to each other, forming a continuous blanket on top of the soil. This mulch blanket creates a greenhouse effect that is the primary function of mulches. Because the long wood fibers span soil ridges, more ground is covered with less wood fiber than paper mulches. For example, wood fiber requires as much as 35% less material than paper mulches to achieve the same ground coverage.

Cellulose and paper mulches have shorter fiber lengths than wood fiber mulches because they are produced from fiber initially manufactured to create smooth surfaces for paper products and other non-mulch uses. When applied, the shorter fibers of cellulose products clump rather than interlock. The particles form a crusted, blotter-like layer, creating growing conditions just the opposite of the desired greenhouse effect. Too often, the results of cellulose mulches are slow and spotty germination.

Blended mulches of 50% wood fiber and 50% cellulose fiber combine the performance characteristics of wood fiber, which interlocks for erosion protection, and the economy of clean, recycled paper fiber for bulk.





Bonded Fiber Matrix

What is a Bonded Fiber Matrix?

Bonded Fiber Matrix is a new class of erosion control products, pioneered by Weyerhaeuser with the introduction of Soil Guard®. The term is being accepted within the erosion control industry to categorize hydraulically applied products which are designed, tested and proven to match or exceed the performance of erosion control blankets. Soil Guard® is now being manufactured by Mat, Inc., our supplier of wood fiber products. Mat has purchased the technology from Weyerhaeuser and is making this fine product.

A bonded fiber matrix is a continuous layer of elongated fiber strands held together by a water-resistant bonding agent. It eliminates direct rain drop impact on soil (it has no holes greater than one millimeter in size), it does not allow gaps between the product and the soil and it has a high water-holding capacity. A bonded fiber matrix will not form a water-insensitive crust that can inhibit plant growth, and it will biodegrade completely into materials known to be beneficial to plant growth.

Soil Guard® bonded fiber matrix is designed, tested and proven to meet these criteria. No other product currently meets these standards. In addition, Soil Guard®'s performance has been demonstrated to be superior to that of erosion control blankets.

What is Not a Bonded Fiber Matrix?

Other erosion control products can be combined to imitate a bonded fiber matrix.  The resulting mixture will share some characteristics with Soil Guard®.  However, no such combination currently available is designed, tested or proven as a bonded fiber matrix.  None have demonstrated the same high performance standards as Soil Guard®.


Designed as a blanket replacement?

Tested as a blanket replacement?

Proven as a blanket replacement?

Mulch and tackifier  Tackifier dissolves when wet by rainfall. Contains materials that can inhibit plant growth.




Mulch and liquid polymer
Crusting of surface can inhibit plant growth




Mulch and gypsum
Resists water infiltration, promotes
water runoff, inhibits germination.




Soil Guard® bonded fiber matrix
Water holding capacity approximately 9 times its own weight; superior plant germination and growth environment.











Is the portable SOIL STABLIZER SYSTEM of the future.  This proprietary blend of natural polysaccharides called GUARDIAN allows it to be a stand-alone soil stabilizer or used to tackify an infinite combination of native fiber sources.  GUARDIAN can be used creatively with a wide array of other options that are conducive to the environment and project.  For example GUARDIAN could be used with the following:
Agricultural Waste products:

  • Cereal grain stalks and straw residue

  • Sugar cane toppings

  • Agricultural processing waste

  • Recycled cardboard and paper waste

  • Blends of paper and virgin wood fiber

  • Compost


Super Tack® has a proven track record as one of the best organic tackifiers on the market.  Super Tack® Excels in a wide variety of applications such as hydraulic mulching, straw or hay mulching, aerial post fire rehabilitation and temporary soil stabilization.
Super Tack® has been successfully used on 3,000+ acres of post fire rehabilitation.
Super Tack® is a complex formulation of high quality water soluble polysaccharide and other proprietary ingredients.
Super Tack® is 93% soluble and quickly disperses and dissolves for even distribution of the binder with no lumps.
Super Tack® is designed for optimal viscosity build up for uniform application.  Once applied, the superior tack performance gives the mulch mixture sufficient strength and resistance to raindrop impact.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY:  Super Tack® is made from natural non-toxic ingredients that will not harm soil, equipment or other living things. 


® 100 by Chemstar

StarTak® 100 is a cost effective, naturally occurring organic tackifier for use in revegetation and Hydroseeding applications.  It acts as an adhesive to bind soil, fiber and seed particles together.  Its adhesive properties help temporarily control the effects of wind and water erosion during seed germination and plant establishment.


Can be used as a:

  • Hydroseeding mulch tackifiers

  • Straw/hay overspray binder

  • Soil stabilization/dust abatement agent




StarTak® 600 by Chemstar


StarTak® 600 is a cost effective, modified organic tackifier for use in revegetation and hydroseeding applications, where more robust adhesive properties are desired i.e. severe slopes and high wind/highway traffic areas. It acts as an adhesive to bind soil, fiber and seed particles together.  Its adhesive properties temporarily control the effects of wind and water erosion during seed germination and plant establishment.


Can be used as a:

  • Hydroseeding mulch tackifiers

  • Straw/hay overspray binder

  • Soil stabilization/dust abatement agent





Soil Stabilization/Dust Control


SOILTAC® by Soilworks is a polymer-based emulsion used primarily to stabilize all soils from dust and erosion.  It is specifically engineered for ease of use for large commercial projects down to smaller residential applications.  It can be as simple to apply as watering the ground.  Furthermore, Soiltac® is designed to work its way down into the soil to maximize the penetration depth.  The result is a thicker protective barrier with a more rigid and stable base.  Once cured, Soiltac® becomes completely transparent, leaving the natural landscape to appear untouched.  Soiltac® results are based on the application rate used.  Modest applications can create a light temporary surface crust that is permeable by water and is useful for dust control needs.  On the other hand, heavy applications can generate results similar to the qualities of cement.  Most importantly, Soiltac® is a truly biodegradable product that is completely environmentally safe to use.

  • Trails & Paths

  • Unpaved Roads

  • Construction Sites




DURASOIL®  by Soilworks is a revolutionary state-of-the-art innovation; engineered for today’s challenging dust control needs.  This ultra-pure, synthetic organic fluid is formulated to meet the highest standards of environmental efficacy.  Durasoil® is distinctively crystal clear, odorless and is applied neat and simple, without the need for water dilution.  This technologically advanced fluid does not cure, allowing for immediate use upon its application.  Furthermore, Durasoil® has the unique ability to be reworked and still maintain its dust controlling properties.  Any equipment capable of spraying water can safely be used to apply Durasoil® without any mess or damage to the equipment.  Even in freezing and wet conditions, Durasoil® can still be applied regardless of weather conditions or season.  Durasoil® can be applied to any soil or aggregate and effectively suppress dust all year round.  From intense-use military tank trails to gravel driveways, Durasoil® is actively solving dust control challenges throughout the world’s industrial, military, commercial and residential markets.