Revegetation, Erosion Control, Soil Amendments
& Organic Materials


Cellular Confinement Systems



Geoweb Gabions Geoblock Rock Fall Mesh




Geoweb is a lightweight, flexible mat made of high density polyethylene strips. These strips are ultrasonically bonded together to form an extremely strong, honeycomb configuration. A variety of fill materials can be placed within the Geoweb Cellular Confinement System: soil, sand, aggregate, concrete, etc. The use of Geoweb and the appropriate fill material create numerous opportunities for versatile and economical solutions for many applications including:







Geoweb is available in various heights, cell sizes and solid wall or perforated (to allow flow between cells).  Holes can be made in Geoweb Cellular Confinement Systems to facilitate a tendoning system for some applications.



Geoblock Porous Pavement System


Support your loads while maintaining the natural beauty of grass areas...from walkways to fire emergency access lanes. Porous pavement systems are the ideal paving solution in traffic areas where aesthetics and permeability are desired.


Gabions and Reno Mattresses

Gabions are double twisted hexagonal woven galvanized steel wire mesh compartmented baskets with a rectangular box shape. The compartments or cells are of equal size and dimension and are formed by internal diaphragms being placed within the basket. The compartments or cells are filled with natural stone and the diaphragms minimize stone migration within the basket providing even distribution of the stone fill throughout the basket even after structural movement.



Reno Mattress is a double twisted hexagonal woven galvanized steel wire mesh compartmented basket with a rectangular mattress shape. The compartment or cells of the reno mattress are of equal size and dimension and are formed by internal diaphragms being placed within the basket providing even distribution of the stone fill throughout the mattress even after structural movement. Even distribution of the stone fill ensures that the reno mattress maintains intimate contact with the foundation soil.




Rock Fall Mesh


Terra Aqua High-Resistance Netting is ideally suited for difficult solutions to rock face problems, since the double-twist, hexagonal-woven mesh does not unravel when wires abrade. Fractured stones are trapped and confined against the slope should isolated wires fatigue from prolonged stress. Additionally, this double-twisted hexagonal type of netting has the high mechanical resistance required to prevent the danger of sudden rock shock loads and dissipate rock fall energy created from loose fractured rock.


In times past, the danger represented by falling rocks and by rocky debris from slopes overhanging the road side was not given the requisite consideration. Land was not at the premium it is today since traffic volume and patterns have changed drastically.  In recent years, however, the widening of existing roads and the opening of new roads and highways must accommodate modern transportation demands. For this reason we are faced with the problems of protecting the road side from rock slides in a safe and efficient manner.


The High-Resistance Rock-Shield Netting with the double-twist mesh has solved this problem, and is now being used extensively across the United States.


The main advantages over other types of mesh are the features of flexibility, non-raveling design, superior corrosion resistance and unique mechanical characteristics.


Available in galvanized or PVC coated.