Sun Controls- A
Sustainable Design Practice
Divisions 8 & 10
Presented by Lee Seaman
Natural lighting has been proven
to provide physiological and mental benefits to employees, students
and patients. Exterior Sunshades provide a practical product that
allows for the maximum amount of natural light while addressing the
issue of solar heat gain. With a proper design these products
create a bold visual effect to the exterior of the building and
serve as a functional product that reduces energy consumption.
There are other products that can
be incorporated into a daylighting design. Interior light
shelves are designed to reflect natural light further into the space
providing better illumination and reducing the amount of artificial
light required. In addition there are glass products
designed to reduce the amount of heat gain. These include SAGE
Electrochromic Glass, an electronically tintable glass, and Schott Glass products
that incorporate various materials inside the laminated unit to
create a shading or translucent effect. The Schott ASI Glass
is one product that incorporates a thin film photovoltaic into the
glass product and is designed to provide excellent shading while
generating power.
This AIA Accredited presentation
offers one CEU HSW/SD