


Waterproofing Membranes
CCW MiraDRI, Barricoat R, CCW-500R & CCW-Miraclay

Rubberized Asphalt Membrane

CCW MiraDRI 860 & 861:
A Foolproof Waterproofing System

iraDRI self-adhering membranes are composite materials consisting of a specially formulated rubberized asphalt laminated to a high impact-resistant plastic film.  The CCW MiraDRI waterproofing system is designed to provide waterproofing protection for below grade foundation walls, slabs, parking decks, plaza decks, tunnels and many other interior and exterior applications.  The CCW MiraDRI waterproofing system consists of the self-adhering membrane; an environmentally friendly water based primer for surface preparation; a liquid membrane for detailing and mastic to seal termination points.


  • Fully Adhered Membrane:  Eliminates Water Migration which can otherwise cause leakage through cracks

  • Factory controlled thickness:  Eliminates thin spots which could be easily penetrated, allowing leakage

  • Performed Sheet:  Eliminates Pinholing

  • Flexibility over cracks:  Elastomeric properties accommodate normal expansion and contraction of the substrate

  • Resists Hydrostatic pressure

  • Mechanically strong

  • Easy to apply

  • Cost-competitive:  The highest performance system which the best life cycle cost

  • The CCW MiraDRI/MiraDRAIN Systems guarantee:  A safe waterproofing choice from a reliable company backed by a combined CCW systems warranty

    CCW 860/861 Rubberized Asphalt Peel and Stick Membranes

Protection Fabric
CCW 200V/300HV Protection Fabrics 

Typical uses:  CCW 200V Protection Fabric is a specifically designed product to cushion and protect the CCW MiraDRI 860/861, CCW-525 and CCW Butyl waterproofing membranes in horizontal and vertical applications. 


  • High puncture resistance: 200V has five times the puncture strength of extruded foam fanfold board.  300 HV has more than three times the puncture resistance of 1/8” asphaltic hard board.

  • Easy Installation:  CCW Protection Fabrics are provided in unique, lightweight, easy-to-install rolls.  CCW 200V/300HV products are extremely flexible, aiding the installation process

  • Durable:  CCW Protection Fabrics are resistant to installation and site damage caused by construction traffic and debris

  • Resistant: CCW 200V/300HV are inert to biological degradation and resist naturally encountered chemicals, alkalis and acids.  Both products are also UV resistant


  • Should be applied to clean and dry surfaces

  • Adjacent areas and surfaces should be protected from contact with the product

  • Not intended for long term exposure to sunlight

  • Keep from freezing – store about 50° F

  • Solvent-based products should not be applied over this product

  • During warm weather application apply membrane in 10 mil layers

Spray Applied Waterproofing Membrane

CCW Barricoat – Spray Applied Membrane

For difficult to waterproof below grade substrates, Barricoat-S is the solution.  Barricoat-S consists of a water-based modified asphalt emulsion, which is catalyzed to form a seamless, monolithic waterproofing membrane.  Pefect for large jobs, Barricoat-S utilizes a convenient spray delivery system that provides a fast application with high mobility which improves overall job site efficiency.  Barricoat-S can also be applied to green concrete and damp surfaces, which reduces job site down time.

Features and Benefits:

  • Performs as a vapor and water barrier

  • May be applied to Green Concrete, damp surfaces and EPS forms

  • Non-Flammable, solvent free

  • Excellent elongation and recovery

  • Good tensile strength

  • Exceptional bonding

  • Creates a seamless membrane

  • Fast Cure

  • No priming necessary


Roller Applied Waterproofing Membrane

BARRICOAT-R is a roller applied, water-based, asphalt emulsion modified with a blend of synthetic rubbers and special additives, which cures to form a flexible, monolithic, waterproofing membrane on vertical or horizontal surfaces, above or below grade.  The membrane has good adhesion to concrete substrates preventing lateral water migration.

TYPICAL USE:  BARRICOAT-R is designed to be a waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane.  Typical applications are between structural slab and wearing course on parking garages, plaza decks, balconies, roof decks, terraces, mechanical equipment rooms, foundations, wet rooms, malls and shower stalls.  BARRICOAT-R is ideally suited for waterproofing on below grade foundation walls, tunnels, planters and other areas where a seamless elastomeric waterproofing is required.


  • Performs as a vapor and water barrier

  • May be applied to green concrete , damp surfaces and ICF forms

  • Non-flammable, solvent free

  • Excellent elongation and recovery

  • Good tensile strength

  • Exceptional bonding

  • Creates a seamless membrane

  • Fast cure


Hot Rubber Membrane

The CCW-500R System utilizes CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane; a single component, rubberized asphalt compound that  forms a  tough, flexible, thick, waterproofing  membrane.  CCW-500 adheres tenaciously to virtually any sound surface, vertical or horizontal to assure water will not migrate beneath the membrane in the event of physical damage.  The fast set-up time speeds the completion of the waterproofing.  CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane is applied in a thick, monolithic coating utilizing CCW Reinforcing Fabric which allows for a wide variety of substrate conditions.

CCW 500R Hot Rubber Membrane
CCW 500R Hot Rubber Membrane Rooftop Planting System

TYPICAL USES:  CCW-500R is used for waterproofing split slab construction products and is especially suited as the waterproofing membrane on roof decks using the inverted roof system. 


  • Do not use on exposed or wearing surfaces

  • Not recommended over lightweight insulated concrete

  • If metal pan is used for concrete form, the metal pan must be vented

  • Consult with Carlisle’s representative before using CCW-500R on any type lightweight concrete, concrete with curing compounds or additives, decks which have existing waterproofing materials

  • Do not apply below 0° F or to damp, frosty or contaminated surfaces

Drainage Boards

CCW MiraDRAIN 1000

Residential grade, rigid hips, damp-proofing product consisting of a three-dimensional, high-impact polystyrene core and a non-woven filter fabric.  The filter fabric is bonded to the dimpled polystyrene core to minimize fabric intrusion and to prevent the passage of soil particles into the core while allowing water to pass freely.

CCW MiraDRAIN 2000
Economical drainage solution for shallow depth foundation walls.  Its intermediate flow rate and compressive strength make CCW MiraDRAIN 2000 ideal for residential and light commercial applications.

CCW MiraDRAIN 5000
This system is designed for applications where two-sided drainage is required.  With a non-woven Geotextile filter fabric bonded to both sides of a pierced dimple core, CCW MiraDRAIN 5000 is most effective in promoting soil stability while intercepting and removing ground water.  Ideal for use as a trench drain or interceptor drain. 

CCW MiraDRAIN 6000/6200
For years, CCW MiraDRAIN 6000 and 6200 have been the industry standard for high-flow, high-compressive strength, vertical single-sided subsurface drainage applications.  CCW MiraDRAIN 6200 is designed for use over MiraDRI Waterproofing Membranes.  The high strength polymeric film adhered to the flat side of the drainage core protects the waterproofing membrane from potential die cutting.

CCW MiraDRAIN 6000XL, 6200XL
CCW MiraDRAIN 6000XL and 6200 XL provide important improvements over the trusted CCW MiraDRAIN 6000/6200 products, designed for use in high-flow, high-compressive  strength, vertical drainage applications where single-sided subsurface drainage is needed.  The new and superior high-strength filter fabric provides greater filtration for a wider range of soil conditions, higher survivability during installation and greater long term performance.   

CCW MiraDRAIN 6200XL is designed for use over CCW Waterproofing Membranes.  The high-strength polymeric film adhered to the flat side of the drainage core protects the waterproofing membrane from potential die cutting.

CCW MiraDRAIN 9000
The industry leader for high-compressive strength horizontal applications, this geocomposite sheet drain features a high-strenghth woven Geotextile fabric, which limits the intrusion of the fabric into the drainage channels under load.  The woven fabric is better suited to receive a directly poured concrete topping than non-woven Geotextile fabrics.  Ideal for use in plaza deck, parking deck and split slab construction.


CCW MiraCLAY® has a uniform layer of sodium bentonite clay that is sandwiched between a durable puncture resistant non-woven polypropylene fabric and a high tensile strength woven polypropylene fabric and then needle-punched together with thousands of high strength denier yarns.  These fibers are then thermally fused to the polypropylene in a patented Infrabond™ procedure that locks the sodium bentonite into place.

TYPICAL USES:  CCW MiraCLAY® is designed for waterproofing below grade structural slabs as well as construction methods incorporating lagging, concrete caisson or shotcrete retention walls.  CCW MiraCLAY® is also very effective in rehab waterproofing and aero clearance property line construction.


  • The CCW MiraCLAY® waterproofing membrane has the ability to heal itself if ripped or punctured

  • In a hydrated state, the bentonite clay has tremendous impermeability and excellent resistance to chemicals (i.e., acids, bases and hydrocarbons)

  • The CCW MiraCLAY® has the ability to expand and seal cracks in concrete

    CCW MiraClay Bentonite Waterproofing